Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Charlie | 6 Months | Milwaukee Baby Photographer

I follow a lot of other photographers on facebook and so many always say they are behind on blogging. I didn't really understood what that meant...how hard is it to keep up with a blog? It doesn't take THAT much time, does it?

Well, I understand it now. Those same photographers referred to Fall as the "busy season" and they weren't kidding! I've been very busy doing what photographers do, but today I'm going to take a few minutes to get the blog ball rolling again. 

It restarts with Charlie.

Charlie is the reason I have a photography blog at all. Honestly. While in utero his mommas asked me to take his newborn pictures. I took the request very seriously and researched as much as I could about how to do it right. I was NOT going to screw it up. I had been loving photographing my own kids, but up until then I had never really photographed anyone else's. So anyway, it well well and I loved every second of it.....from planning the shoot to finishing the photos and sending them off. There was no way that was going to be a one time thing! 

Luckily, it was not a one time thing and many, many photo shoots later I got to see Charlie all grown up again as a big 6 month old. That is kind of a lie since I see him all the time, but still, this time it was from behind my lens so it was different :) 

milwaukee newborn photographer, milwaukee baby photographer, milwaukee family photographer

milwaukee newborn photographer, milwaukee baby photographer, milwaukee family photographer

milwaukee newborn photographer, milwaukee baby photographer, milwaukee family photographer

milwaukee newborn photographer, milwaukee baby photographer, milwaukee family photographer

milwaukee newborn photographer, milwaukee baby photographer, milwaukee family photographer

milwaukee newborn photographer, milwaukee baby photographer, milwaukee family photographer

milwaukee newborn photographer, milwaukee baby photographer, milwaukee family photographer